Erica Jones Testimonials

This past Sunday at the River, I helped in the 3-4 year old class. I was one of the three group leaders for the over 70 children who attended. There were children from all backgrounds, many didn’t even speak English, but it was so awesome to see the anointing of God flow through them regardless. We kept them all together at first and had worship. Many of the kids who were nervous or unreceptive at first became alive after a few songs. When we split them into groups I had close to 25 kids. The lesson we did was to explain that the real reason for the season was, is, and forever will be Jesus! The children were excited to participate, but also very attentive.

They sat and listened which is usually a challenge, especially with that many kids functioning in one room. After the main lesson I shared a very simple salvation message with the kids and asked them who wanted to have Jesus in their hearts. The gospel is so simple that even three year olds know that it’s something good and they want to be a part of it. We went on to do some other crafts and things, but the focus of everything was Jesus being the true meaning of Christmas, not trees, or Santa Claus. We didn’t even have to bring those things up. Once you shine with the truth the darkness and fake have no place. At the end of the day we got all of the kids and their belongings together. We talked about what we had learned and reminded them that some of them said that they wanted to have Jesus in their hearts. We said a simple prayer with everyone and as a result 54 gave their little hearts to Jesus. Hallelujah!